Is Breakfast Really The MOST Important Meal of the Day?

We've all heard it before and according to common perception, eating a good meal in the morning prepares your body for everything you'll be dealing with for the rest of the day.

And yet, as many as 25% of adults and 36% of adolescents skip this "most important" meal.

So does it really matter that we eat before 11:59 am?

Nope! Whether it's 10am or 4pm, it's all the same. You may have even found yourself, on busy mornings, getting to your first meal in the middle of the day and still powering through.

It Doesn't Matter When You Eat, But WHAT You Eat

Breakfast is actually the first meal that "breaks" your "fast" from the previous day. And it's your first meal that activates your digestive system and kickstarts 2 IMPORTANT things...

  1. Hunger Hormones
  2. Gut Bacteria 

Hunger Hormones

Without going into a detailed explanation of "leptin and ghrelin", your hunger hormones basically tells you when to eat, when you're full & what to crave next.

When eating a meal full of bad carbs and fatty foods, your hunger hormones don't work as well leading to excess calories, weight gain, and stored fat. It will even negatively impact your mood and energy levels for the rest of the day.

And that's not all. 


Gut Bacteria

The right or wrong choice of food will stimulate the growth of either "good" or "bad" bacteria. That's right...Good vs. Evil right in your belly.

Good bacteria strengthens the protective lining in your gut and starves "bad" bacteria by breaking down their major food source, sugar.

The abundance of bad bacteria leads to holes within your gut (gross, I know), leaking out into your blood stream, slowly contaminating and poisoning ALL your major organs & systems. The brain, heart, pancreas, liver and even your immune system are all affected.

Better Choices = Better Health = Better Everything

So it's true, the above headline. If you're wanting better digestion, energy, weight, concentration, skin, sleep, and immuno health, it all begins with your gut health. 

Activating your gut with the right meal choices and prebiotics (special fiber to grow good bacteria) will help to keep your gut in check, stay healthy, and even add a little positivity to your day. 

UP NEXT: Digestive Health - The Key To Combating Disease