Because we’re HEALTH NUTS and we grew up on this stuff.

As first generation Korean Americans, we never went to the doctor. 

When we got sick, everything was cured through our parents and grandparents’ soul food, acupuncture, Korean herb concoctions, and 7-up.

It’s not that we didn’t trust western medicine, it’s that we never needed it.

It was a shock to us when we left home and went to college to witness everyone going to the doctor over a simple cold. 

At the time, we didn’t think it was special that we rarely got sick.

As we got older, and as Koreans forced into the medical field by our parents, we started to see how unique this actually was…

You Are What You Eat

We grew up on kimchi, soybeans, & prebiotic packed side dishes as part of our culinary culture, not knowing how it was all positively impacting our gut health.

Now, studies are showing the INCREDIBLE impact that our digestion has on EVERY aspect of our health. From skincare to mood to energy to weight to name it! Our health is completely interwoven to our gut. 

We have a level of control to PROTECT ourselves, to STAY healthy, and RECOVER in situations of illness & disease. It's our own invisible shield, the immune system.

We are holistically driven, dedicated to science and increased longevity. We don’t believe in temporary band aid solutions for health and only recommend treatments we would give our loved ones. 

Feeling and living healthy starts with the stomach.

We are 4Haan Health, Modern Korean Nutrition