The Wrong Laxative Can Make Constipation Worse

If you’re experiencing symptoms of constipation, taking the wrong laxative can do more damage than good.

Whether it’s over the counter or even worse, medication, laxatives all have the same goal, but with VERY different methods to accomplish it.

    1. The Different Forms of Laxatives
    2. Opioid Induced Constipation
    3. Chronic Constipation

The Different Forms of Laxatives

Some laxatives work by putting your colon into overdrive, forcing  stool to pass. But extended use can create laxative dependency or even colon flaccidity. 

Other laxatives can either draw water into the intestines or directly into the stool to soften it, but side effects like severe dehydration or mineral imbalance can occur.

Without an extensive health assessment, it’s hard to determine which laxative best suits your specific body’s needs, especially when the constipation is opioid induced.

Opioid Induced Constipation

When taking opioids/pain medication, pain receptors are blocked throughout the central nervous system. Unfortunately, the receptors in your bowel are also blocked, slowing the passing of and resulting in, exceptionally hard stool.

Simply adding more fiber or fluid to your diet can further aggravate the constipation so gently, and safely, stimulating the nerves that have been dulled/numbed produces the fastest results.

However, stimulant laxatives run the risk of laxative dependency because of the weakening of the colon. 

4HaanHealth's Constipation Enlightened can be used as a means to treat Opioid Induced Constipation until the pain medication is no longer needed as it includes a natural bowel strengthener to reduce the risk of colon flaccidity and laxative dependency.

Chronic Constipation

There are many underlying causes of chronic constipation, but often related to a weak colon, poor dietary choices or an overabundance of harmful bacteria residing in your gut. 

Fiber increases the size of your stool and softens it to allow for an easier passing. It is also essential to decreasing the harmful bacteria found within your gut. Fluids are needed for the colon to properly saturate the stool. Otherwise, the stool will be dehydrated and difficult to pass.

4HaanHealth's Constipation Enlightened includes antibacterial and antifungal properties to reduce the levels of harmful bacteria for a long term solution to chronic constipation.

Up Next: Prebiotics vs. Probiotics, Which is Better?