3 Easy Tweaks For A Healthy Breakfast Every Day

Having a healthy breakfast EVERY morning might seem like scaling Everest.  In fact, 56% of Americans agree and do not eat breakfast regularly. Let’s see how we can turn that mountain into a mole hill.

What's The Actual Problem? 

The most common excuses for skipping breakfast are...

  1. I'm not hungry in the morning
  2. I'm perfectly fine without it
  3. I don't have time

If you're not hungry in the morning, that's fine! It's not when you eat, but WHAT you eat that's important.

If you think you're perfectly fine without a meal in the morning and can power through till lunch, that's also fine! Again, it's not when you eat that's important, but what you eat that's important. But if your first meal of the day is a greasy burger at noon, think again.

READ: Is Breakfast Really The Most Important Meal of the Day?

So onto reason 3, I.Don't.Have.Time.

3 Easy Tweaks For A Healthy Breakfast Everyday


Question 1: If winning was a certainty, would you invest $100 in lottery tickets to hit the mega-millions jackpot? Duh.

Question 2: If having a healthy first meal meant you could have better energy, skin, GOOD food cravings, concentration, sleep, mood, and even better immuno-health, would you make time for it? I hope you say, "Duh".

And that's no exaggeration. Your first meal sets off a chain of events in your body that impacts your immediate day, short and long term health. 

When you begin to understand the incredible value of something, you're much more willing to make the small sacrifices to obtain it.


Was that last 10 minutes on Instagram before bed worth it?

Preparing ingredients the night before mentally helps to make that breakfast mountain a mole hill. It's one less excuse and one more incentive to piece together what was prepped earlier. 

You could even refrigerate something the night before as most healthy options keep for multiple days. The majority of cereal options are not healthy and obviously don't keep in milk for 8 hours.


"Time" being the problem and "health" being the goal, we're obviously not shooting for tongue-tantalizing-delectable-dishes. Maybe save the gourmet for dinner. But there are still plenty of quick and great tasting breakfast options that you can make. 

Having a weekly schedule helps.

  • Monday - Blueberries, banana, cashews, cauliflower shake.
  • Tuesday - Greek yogurt, strawberry, honey, granola 

You get the idea.

So all that's left is to figure out what to make mañana. And we've even done THAT for you. You can download our Five 5-Minute Fiber Right Breakfast options here.

Enough with the excuses, yeah? Get yo' breakfast.

UP NEXT: Is Breakfast Really The Most Important Meal of the Day?